

Annotations from the Section Meditationes fundamentales et variae

TitleOriginal titleLanguage
Man and EarthČlověk a země
Short history of ground possession is sketched: – The Modern Theory of Unlimited Sources and the Liberty of Man (Fysiocratism, Mercantilism) – Ancient Civilisations – Sparta – Ancient Slavons – Beginnings of Agriculture – Large Empires – Middle Ages (eg. Danes and Normans ) – What is the Result?Non European Cultures (Palau, Nicaragua, Viet-Nam, State of Israel eg. The Phenomen of Kibbutz)
On Moving and DirectionsO cestách a pohybu
Phaenomenology of eight basic directions/movements (East-West-South-North-Up-Down-To Centre-Nowhere). With addition of Transcending the Pole
Time among the MonksČas a mniši
Short article concerning the structure of monastical hours (liturgia horarum) and measuring of time
On Numbers, Rhytms, Quadrature of Circle and Other TrivialitiesO číslech, rytmech, kvadratuře kruhu a jiných samozřejmostech
Introduction to natural rhytms and cycles and dividing them; natural phases; septenary counting in connection with Christian religious year. Debate about the „missing link“.
What God United…Co Bůh spojil…
A small remark on lifelong matrimony
Old AgeStáří
A very short reflection on the subject.
About One Addiction Afflicting the Whole GenerationO generační závislosti
Distortion of time and space relation arising from using (and depending on) individual car transport. Its psychoanalytic interpreatation. The stuffs and powers we have depended on since the 1800s and their portraits from Greek pantheon.
On Money (and Values)O penězích (a hodnotách)
Is money sacred? How? The „invisible Hand of the Market“. Materialism triumphant. (?)
How to Be RichJak být bohatým?
Relativeness and origin of wealth. How to please people. Dark prospects.
On Gravity of WordsO závažnosti slov
Grammatic and semantic analyse of a six-words sentence (in Czech) – That night little Helen drowned herself of shame. – showing how much sense can be hidden behind very simple words, followed by a critical consideration on fiction, especially so-called realistic one.
Flood GuerrillaPartyzánská válka povodní
Eco-terrorism can be hidden where you don’t expect it…. :))
Why There Should Be St. Stephen Monuments (not only) in SlovakiaProč by měla (nejen) na Slovensku stát socha sv.Štěpána
Nationalistic protests against raising the monument of St.Stephen in Slovakia do not have sense. All Europe should be grateful to this historical person for its preservation.
My Ways are not Their WaysMé cesty nejsou jejich cestami
A bitter remark on how you simply cannot live together with the species Homo automobilis. A modest proposal to a substantial modification of Right of way.
On Freedom and IndividualismO svobodě a individualismu
What is freedom. Conflicting freedoms. Freedom in thinking. „Energetic“ aspect of freedom. Individualism as a matter of preference. Authority of an individual and of a group.
Two Major Pests in SchoolingDva velcí škůdci vzdělání
The sole purpose of schools. The General school attendance – duty or privilege? Can we let teenagers free? What if schools did it? Reflexions on idealism and professionality.
The falsehood (and lack of logic) of the „anti-disinformation“ campaigns demasqued.
Vengeance to IntellectualsPomsta intelektuálům
Eggheads are as a rule pushed back, whenever they try to reach their hand to any kind of commodity easily available for other people, at first place jobs. There is no social advantage in having obtained proper schooling or being used to educate oneself. Be it bad for them, the more it is disastrous for the society.
Fear of Showing to Be DifferentStrach z odlišnosti
The general support of modern society to identity and individualism is just feigned. The social ideal is exactly the contrary – it hates individuality.
The double character of individualism – individualism based on possessing and individualism based on being. Sharing and individualism.
Two Essays on DeathDvě úvahy o smrti
Fourfold possibility of relation between death and life.
The phenomenon of dead body and what to do with it.
On the Margin of the Story of PercevalNa okraj Parsifalovského příběhu
Reversed perspectives in the story of Perceval: the story being seen from „inside“ and „outside“. Quest for Wisdom. The conflict of „old“ and „young“.
Review of the Henry Dumont 2009 film. Different realities of the film story and its two endings. What is real for a mystic? Christianity and Islam.
Connubial betrothalMandźelske ljubjenje
Dialectic meaning of the three parts of engagement

Annotations from the Section Philosophica

TitleOriginal titleLanguage
The Ways of PhilosophyCesty filosofie
Ways of philosophy folow often the ways of language. We can divide philosphy (philosophical methods) to postulative philosophy (whose device is clarity, vision), philosophical questioning, and an „exclamative philosopfy“. Phenomena as theorioes on origins of language, philosophical comtemplation, logic, historical/narrative philosophy, utopy are mentioned as well.
Idea by Zdeněk NeubauerZamyšlení nad idejemi u Zdeňka Neubauera
Considerations ove Neubauer’s essay „O přírodě a přirozenosti věcí“. The role of experience by forming ideas.
Good and Evil – Now under a Mythological AspectO „dobru a zlu“ mytologicky
The role of trees in Gen 2. Seduction via offering a choice. The dictatorship of „good-or-evil“.
Hidden Turning Point in the History of PhilosophySkrytý bod obratu v dějinách evropské filosofie
A. Is it Descartes? – Motion vs. esse in philosophy – The structure of mediaeval world – Mystics -Jacob Boehme, his „Principles“and his „Prozess“
B. Causes in philosophy – Outstanding outsiders (incl, Boehme) – Boehme’s (binary!) constitutive dialectics
A Sketch in AnthropophysicsNáčrt antropofyziky
Unity/universality of world (as a question). – Well ordered sets – Universe and world – Man in the middle of World – Spirit and spirituality – Human Self, Spirit and World – Mapping -Lost physics of Quality – Survey of (measurable) physical values – Criteria for a new, sought system of values – Rudiments of such system by the ancient Jacob Boehme – Eleven human senses/channels of perception (slightly according to Steiner) – Adam Kadmon in the Kabbalah

Annotations from the Section Theologia

TitleOriginal titleLanguage
Civilization and GodsCivilizovaný člověk a božství
High developed cultures/civilizations (like late antiquity) tend to atheism. The independent, godlike man. What are Gods good for. Man or God?
On TrinityO Trojici
Why just Trinity? – The Origin (Arche, Keter) – Wisdom (Chochmah) – The descending principle of Logos (Binah) – The Ascending principle of Spirit (Daat) – Pentecost , as demonstration of Spirit – Life ot the Spirit – Conclusion: Another Trinity?
Of the Spirit (sermon)O svatém Duchu (kázání)
How many Gods are there in Christianity? How did it come to be?
About AngelsO andělech
What are angels? Values. Individuality of angels. Are there angels, do they exist? What means „to be“? Are they free?
The DevilĎábel
The existence of devil – in scientism, in psychology, in Christianity. Can God have an „adversary“? How does acknowledging the existence of devil change human situation. Why are „properites“ of the devil so obvious? Interconnection of Man and devil. The collective devil. Development of devils. Devil(s) as defective consciousness (gnosis).
Whose is the Earth?Čí je země?
Reflexion of baroque iconography and old views of the Earth. What is the role of man on Earth. Does it belong to God or to man (or to the devil)? The Earth as a gift.
Service and Servants in the NTSlužba a služebníci v Novém Zákoně
Is work/labour, when mentioned in the NT, meant as formal? The analysis of particular cases and meanings of the words DIAKONEIN – to serve; DIAKONIA – service and DIAKONOS – servant. The institute of deacons. Service of angels (liturgy).
A moral similitude composed in ancient language.
On ConversionObrácení
The stereotypes ov „conversion“ and „rebirth“ during the ages of Christianity. Prophets and preaching of conversion. Calvin nad Eckhart: Can the nature of man be changed? (And may it be changed?) Meaning of biblical metanoein. – Think it over.
About SinO hříchu
The existence of death and evil. Relativenes of religious codes of behaviour. Against what is the sin? Matter and spirit. Plurality in the realm of spirit.
On Luther’s Anniversary and the Principle of Sla GratiaK Lutherovu výročí -a principu sola gratia
Is Luther’s articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae really that important? The experience of grace with some mystics. Grace in mythology. Importance and miening of both individual and collective defeats.
Worship of Saints in Lutheran ChurchesUctívání svatých v luterských církvích
The Basis of lutheran theory of saints: Teaching of the old church – Patristis Era – Eastern Church – Attitude of Lutheran reformation towards the Saints (in Lutherr’s early writings – in Augustana – in Melanchton’s Apology – in later doctrinal writings) – The reasons therefore – Later Developments (from Lutheran Orthodoxy to the Age of Enlightment – 19-th Century Oblivion of saints – The Present Renaissance of Protestant Cult of Saints – Is there still a big difference between Catholic and Protestant Teaching of Saints?)
St.Barbara’s LegendLegenda o svaté Barboře
Comparison of the St.Barbara’s legent with a local tale of Kutná Hora and its alchemical symbolism.
Prayer in Jacob Boehme’s WritingsGebet bei Jakob Boehme
Form and humble spirit of many long prayers within the works of Jacob Boehme show exactly the contrary of what is often presumed about theosophs and theosophical writing. Their key expression is DESIRE which is found already in the dark principle of deity itself and the two desires are identical. Connubial mysticism (of a mystic with the Virgin Sophia) is found by Boehme, too.
Our Father IOtče náš I
What (personal) relation does the Lord’s Prayer express. „Our“ and „thy“. Bread and will.
Our Father IIOtče náš II
Lord’s Prayer eplained more thoroughly and in an „emanatory“ way as a more ot less necessary sequence. God’s names. Two incorrect translations, a corrected one and one ommitted word.
Sociological types of Church CommunitiesSociologické typy církevních společenství
Centralised (pyramidal), episcopal, ecclesiastical and presbyteral types of church structures. Their devolution towards the individual.
On Churches and EcumenismO církvích a o ekumenismu
Self promotion of churches, Misunderstood secularization. Unification or tolerance? Where to seek sources of ecumenism?
Cultural Restitution and EvangelizationKulturní restituce a evangelizace
New tasks of churches in post-totalitarian world. Revolution – restoration – restitution. Let’s not try to take back from the state what it’s doing well. Propositions for activity of church(es) in several branches – education, politics, economy, nature and preservationism, culture.
Is immortality possible?Je možná nesmrtelnost?
Two views and two understandings of the question lead to opposite statements. Longevity – – the evolutional specialisation of mankind. Paul’s yearning for an „immortal body“. Life maintaining mystery of Christ. Soul is „more lively“ than body.